has always been thankful that he took the step to be a
full time artist when the popularity of western art
was on a huge upswing. He recalls going to Bill
Burford’s shows in Dallas at the Adolphus Hotel where
a sell-out was almost guaranteed. Often, when
the doors to the show were opened, people stampeded
into the ballroom to grab the purchase tag off of the
picture they wanted. Sometimes they settled for
any painting with a tag they could grab. Baize
remembers taking a place behind a pillar before the
doors opened to be out of the way of the
stampede. He believes the art market today is
much more stable that it was back then because buyers
have become much more discerning about the art they
buy. In
he was invited to become a member of the Cowboy Artists of America.
Wayne Baize considers this to be the highest honor
that he could obtain in his art career. Wayne’s
studio is graced by art awards with he has received
from around the country through the years. These
include the silver medal award for drawings at the
1997 Cowboy Artist Show . Most
recently he was awarded the American Cowboy Culture
Award for 2004. Baize’s paintings and drawings have graced the covers of several horse and cattle magazines including The Quarter Horse Journal, Western Horseman, and the Texas Hereford. Wayne’s
can be viewed at his studio near Fort Davis, Texas. |